We believe in one God who exists in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. We believe in God as creator and sustainer of all things. We believe that God is eternal, holy, and loving.
(Genesis 1:1Matthew 28:19)


We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and second member of the trinity. We believe that Jesus willingly came into our world as fully man, while continuing to be fully God. We believe that Jesus lived a completely sinless life on our behalf, died a sinners death in our place, physically rose from the dead declaring victory over sin and death, and ascended to heaven where He is currently seated at the right hand of God as our advocate and intercessor.
(Luke 1:35Matthew 3:171 Peter 2:24Luke 24:46-47Romans 8:34Hebrews 12:2)


We believe that the Holy Spirit is the third member of the trinity. We believe that the Holy Spirit indwells the life of a person when they accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. We believe that the Holy Spirit convicts the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment. We believe that the Holy Spirit gives gifts for serving one another and empowers believers to live holy and effective lives for the glory of God.
(John 16:8-11Acts 2:38Romans 8:91 Peter 4:10)


We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God. We believe that it is the final authority, is without error, and is applicable for our daily lives.
(2 Tim 3:16)


We believe that man was created in the image of God and was designed to be in loving relationship with God. We believe that because of man’s sinful disobedience, mankind is separated from the loving intimacy that God intended. We believe that mankind’s greatest need is to be restored back into closeness with God and thus fulfill his ultimate purpose which is to worship God and to live inside of the relationship with Him that we were created for.
(Genesis 1:26-30Genesis 2:7Romans 3:231 John 1:9)


We believe that salvation comes through the work that Jesus did on the Cross.  Jesus substituted Himself, in our place, and the grace of God is forever extended to mankind, who can willingly and through His own repentance receive the gift of salvation that is held out to each of us.
(Romans 5:82 Corinthians 5:17Romans 10:9Ephesians 2:8)


We believe that the church consists of those who believe upon Jesus as Lord and Savior. We believe that the church is one body with many members, unified through faith in Jesus. We believe that the church is called to gather together regularly for fellowship, teaching, prayer, and communion. We believe that the church exists to continue the work of Jesus by declaring the gospel, making disciples, and demonstrating God’s love to the world. (Matthew 28:18-20Acts 2:41-47Acts 20:28Romans 12:51 Corinthians 12:27)


We believe every person will one day stand before the judgment seat of Christ and there is one decision that we make during this lifetime that determines our eternal destiny.  If we choose Jesus during this lifetime, our eternal destiny is to join God in heaven.  If we choose anything other than Jesus as the Lord and Master of our lives, our destiny is eternal separation from God in hell.